Totalmix was the first total feed mixer in Latin America. It was developed to meet the needs of producers that seek the lowest power consumption. It works with a large roughages.

Totalmix feed mixer grinds and mixes homogeneously any type of roughage, including hay bales up to 15 kg and pre-dried silage associated with feed, minerals and cotton seed.

In addition, Totalmix offers the exclusive and patented anti-compaction bucket design, providing a more aerated mix and increasing the palatability of the total feed.


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Caçamba com design anti-compactação

1. Bucket with anti-compaction design

Design patenteado pela Casale. Mais produtividade, eliminando o efeito de compactação da mistura nos cantos da caçamba.
Rosca inferior segmentada e Roscas superiores inteiriças

2. Segmented bottom screw and One-piece upper screws

Extra reinforced screw with removable blades. Allows a more aerated feed and ensures the use of the entire cubic capacity of the bucket.
Balança eletrônica

3. Electronic scale

Control and precision! Assertiveness in procedures and distribution.
Bica de descarga por esteira de PVC

4. Discharge chute with PVC belt

More flexibility for different trough heights.
Abertura para abastecimento com proteção

5. Opening for filling with protection

Ease and safety in operation!
Revestimento do fundo da caçamba em aço inox

6. Fundo construído em inox ou inox total (opcional)

Construção do fundo da caçamba em inox ou construção total em inox podendo ser escovado ou pintado (opcional)

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