Feeder 20 SC is the spreader of mineral supplement and concentrate for pasture supplementation. It distributes any product as long as it is powder or pelletized.

Feeder 20 SC spreader is activated through the double control of the tractor. In addition, its advantage is the axle with lateral displacement and the bucket is built in roto-molded plastic, providing greater durability.


Know more about Feeder 20 SC



Motor descompactador Feeder 20 SC

1. Uncompacting motor (Optional)

For use with mineral salt.
Eixo com rodado Simples e pneus agrícolas Feeder 20 SC

2. Axle with single wheelset and agricultural tires

More lightness and resistance to procedures in the pasture.
Eixo com deslocamento lateral Feeder 20 SC

3. Versatility! It increases the distance of the tractor to the trough and allows entry under salt compartments.

Versatilidade! Aumenta a distância do trator em relação ao cocho e permite a entrada embaixo de casas de sal.
Chupim Feeder 20 SC

4. Conveyor screw

Easier operation! Conveyor screw driven by hydraulic motor and flow control valve.
Coifa em aço inoxidável Feeder 20 SC

5. Stainless steel hood

Lasts longer! More protection against abrasion.
Tampa em plástico para cobertura Feeder 20 SC

6. Tampa em plástico para cobertura.

More profitability in any period! Coverage for procedures in water periods.
Balança eletrônica

7. Electronic scale

Control and precision! Assertiveness in procedures and distribution.

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