Privacy policy

We at Casale Equipamentos, CNPJ: 59.600.643 / 0001-19, are committed to protecting your privacy. The purpose of this document is to clarify what information is collected from the users of our website and how this data is used. To offer our services, we at Casale Equipamentos, through our website, collect various data and information, aiming, above all, to provide an increasingly better experience for you. We recognize that your privacy is very important, so we take all possible measures to protect it. To make it easier for you to understand, we have divided this Policy as follows:

  • About data collection;
  • About the use of your personal data;
  • About access to your personal data;
  • About data sharing;
  • About canceling the subscription and changing / deleting personal information;
  • Changes in the Privacy Policy;
  • Applicable Law.

Any questions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us and we will clarify everything. Send an email to: We are located at Rod. Washington Luís, km 237, São Carlos - SP / BR - São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, CEP: 13560-970.

About data collection: We will explain how we can collect your data.
Information provided by you

We collect personally identifiable information, such as name, e-mail, company, company website and cell phone, by completing the forms to download our free content. Eventually, the request for some information can be made through direct contact of Casale Equipamentos with users via email or phone.

Site navigation information

When you visit our site, a ‘cookie’ is inserted into your browser using the Google Analytics software to identify how many times you return to our email address. Information such as IP address, geographic location, source of reference, type of browser, duration of visit and pages visited are collected.

Contact history

We store information about all contacts already made with our users, such as content downloaded from our pages and interactions via e-mail.

Data generated when using our services

Se você utilizar de algum de nossos serviços ou compra de produtos, coletaremos ainda outras informações. Nesse caso, coletaremos dados de contato, como seu nome, e-mail e telefone, dados locacionais e dados de perfil profissional, que inclui cargo, empresa, número de funcionários e contato.

Sobre o uso de seus dados pessoais

Todos os dados que coletamos são usados para a prestação de nossos serviços, mas vale ressaltar que prezamos muito pela sua privacidade. Por isso, todos os dados e informações sobre você são tratadas como confidenciais; e somente os usaremos para os fins aqui descritos e autorizados por você, principalmente para que possa utilizar nossos serviços de forma plena, visando sempre melhorar a sua experiência como usuário. Dessa maneira, poderemos personalizar o serviço para adequá-lo cada vez mais aos seus gostos e interesses. Ademais, seus dados também podem ser usados para criarmos novos serviços, produtos e funcionalidades. Para prestar nossos serviços, cruzaremos os dados que coletarmos com outros que tivermos sobre o mesmo titular em nossas bases de dados, inclusive os dados que você cadastrar em nossas plataformas. Em especial, usaremos os dados para monitorar as ações das páginas que você cadastrar para criar perfis com base nos dados de seu comportamento e, assim, verificaremos quais são seus interesses para classificar, qualificar e criar listas dinâmicas para execução de ações de marketing direcionadas, que são realizadas automaticamente. Eventualmente, poderemos usar dados para finalidades não previstas nesta política de privacidade, mas estes estarão dentro das suas legítimas expectativas. O eventual uso dos seus dados para finalidades que não cumpram com essa prerrogativa será feito mediante sua autorização prévia. Além do acima, usaremos seus dados para as seguintes finalidades:

  • Seu e-mail é usado para a operação de envio do material ou informação por você requisitada no preenchimento do formulário. Também pode ser usado para envio de Newsletters. O e-mail será usado ainda para comunicar o lançamento de novos produtos, campanhas promocionais da Casale Equipamentos. No entanto, o usuário pode cancelar a assinatura a qualquer momento;
  • Os dados de download poderão ser divulgados como pesquisas e estatísticas, não sendo reveladas abertamente nenhuma informação pessoal, a menos que autorizada explicitamente;
  • Funcionários da Casale Equipamentos poderão eventualmente entrar em contato via e-mail ou telefone para fazer pesquisas ou apresentar produtos e serviços;
  • Enviar a você mensagens a respeito de suporte ou serviço, como alertas, notificações e atualizações;
  • Comunicar-nos com você sobre produtos, serviços, promoções, notícias, atualizações, eventos e outros assuntos que possa lhe interessar;
  • Realizar publicidade direcionada conforme seus gostos, interesses e outras informações coletadas;
  • Personalizar o serviço para este adequar cada vez mais aos seus gostos e interesses;
  • Para qualquer fim que você autorizar no momento da coleta de dados;
  • Cumprir obrigações legais.

Reservamo-nos no direito de monitorar toda a plataforma, principalmente para assegurar que as regras descritas em nosso Termo de Uso estão sendo observadas, ou ainda se não há violação ou abuso das leis aplicáveis. Portanto, nos reservamos no direito de excluir determinado usuário, independentemente do tipo que for, caso a presente Política não seja respeitada.

About access to your personal data

By clicking on the content sharing buttons on the social networks available on our pages, the user will be publishing the content through his profile on the selected network. We do not have access to users' login and password on these networks, nor will we publish content on behalf of the user without the user performing this action. Accordingly, we reserve the right to share your information, including location, registration and interest data, with our partners, advertisers and service providers, whenever possible, anonymously, in order to preserve your privacy. You hereby expressly authorize such shares. We are not responsible for the acts, advertisements and content generated by our business partners and ad networks, and this Policy does not apply to them, as Casale Equipamentos does not control them. All data, information and content about you can be considered active in the case of negotiations in which Casale Equipamentos participates. Therefore, we reserve the right to include your data among the company's assets if it is to be sold, acquired or merged with another. Through this Policy, you agree and are aware of this possibility. We reserve the right to provide your data and information about you, including your interactions, if legally required to do so, which is necessary for the company to comply with national laws or if you expressly authorize it.

About data sharing

By clicking on the content sharing buttons on the social networks available on our pages, the user will be publishing the content through his profile on the selected network. We do not have access to users' login and password on these networks, nor will we publish content on behalf of the user without the user performing this action. Accordingly, we reserve the right to share your information, including location, registration and interest data, with our partners, advertisers and service providers, whenever possible, anonymously, in order to preserve your privacy. You hereby expressly authorize such shares. We are not responsible for the acts, advertisements and content generated by our business partners and ad networks, and this Policy does not apply to them, as Casale Equipamentos does not control them. All data, information and content about you can be considered active in the case of negotiations in which Casale Equipamentos participates. Therefore, we reserve the right to include your data among the company's assets if it is to be sold, acquired or merged with another. Through this Policy, you agree and are aware of this possibility. We reserve the right to provide your data and information about you, including your interactions, if legally required to do so, which is necessary for the company to comply with national laws or if you expressly authorize it.

About canceling the subscription and changing / deleting personal information;

You can choose not to receive any further email from Casale Equipamentos. In every email we send, there is always a link to unsubscribe available on the bottom lines. When you click on this link, you will be automatically unsubscribed from the list. It is important to mention that, when filling in any form again, the re-insertion of your e-mail to the list will be characterized. Therefore, the cancellation request must be made again if it is in your interest. All data collected will be deleted from our servers when you request it or when it is no longer necessary or relevant for us to offer you our services, unless there is any other reason for its maintenance, such as any legal obligation to retain data or the need for their preservation to protect Casale Equipamentos' rights. To change your personal information or delete it from our database, just send an email to Casale

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may undergo updates. Therefore, we recommend that you visit this page periodically so that you are aware of the changes. If any relevant changes are made that give rise to new authorizations from you, we will publish a new privacy policy. Before using information for purposes other than those defined in this Privacy Policy, we will ask for your authorization.

Applicable Law

This document is governed and must be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The São Carlos District Court, São Paulo, is elected as the competent body to resolve any issues arising from this document with express waiver of any other, however privileged it may be.

What are cookies?
A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit the website. It allows the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a period of time, so you do not have to continue entering them each time you return to the website or browse from one page to another. How do we use cookies? Some of our pages use cookies to remember:

  • Your display preferences, such as contrast color settings or font size;
  • If you have already responded to a survey pop-up that asks you if the content was useful or not (then you will not be asked for it again);
  • If you have agreed (or not) with our use of cookies on this website;
  • In addition, some videos embedded on our pages use a cookie to anonymously gather statistics about how you arrived and which videos you visited.

Cookies are also stored by Europa Analytics, the corporate service that measures the effectiveness and efficiency of the European Commission's websites in EUROPE.

Do we use other cookies?

Some of our pages or subsites may use cookies that are additional to or different from those described above. If so, their details will be provided on their specific cookie warning page. You may be asked by your agreement to store these cookies.

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